How Long Do You Cook An Egg In The Microwave

If you are looking for How Long Do You Cook An Egg In The Microwave, then you will find How Long Do You Cook An Egg In The Microwave in the right place. Webcooking eggs in the microwave can be a challenge because they can take a long time to cook. Generally, it takes about five minutes for an average cooked egg to. Start by whisking your egg whites in a mug. Microwave on high for about 45 seconds. Take them out and give them a stir. Microwave for another 45 seconds, or until they’re. Cooks in 10 minutes or less and makes up to 4 at a time. Webdepending on the strength of your microwave and how soft you like your eggs, this should take between 30 seconds and a minute and a half. Bear in mind that they will cook for a. Egg beaters cheese and herb mug scrambler. Webthe official usda guidelines for cooking eggs in the microwave recommend to cook eggs for 2 minutes on high or 4 minutes on low. These are some of the recommended times. Depending on how soft you prefer to have your eggs and the strength of your microwave, the. Webmicrowave a bowl of water (deep enough to submerge the egg) for 3 minutes until hot. Lightly prick the bottom of the egg with a safety pin or thumbtack to prevent the.

How Long Do You Cook An Egg In The Microwave.

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